Book Review

Review: A Dog’s Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron


If I’m completely honest with you all, I had no idea what kind of book to expect with this one! I didn’t read the blurb on the back, and I honestly thought I’d be reading about a dog and the amazing adventures he had with one family from start to finish.

That was not the case.

A Dog’s Purpose is a book that follows one dog throughout a few lives, where Bailey searches to understand why it is that he keeps getting reborn, and what his purpose is in life. While that may seem very philosophical, and it is, it is also so endearing and intimately beautiful. The author explores the many different experiences that dogs can be subjected to, spanning across a range of settings and emotions, both good and not so good. I felt as though I was being shown the world in an entirely different perspective.

Bailey’s journeys made me look at my dog in a very different way. I genuinely feel like I understand him more and can empathise with what his life must be like. I feel like I understand why he behaves in certain ways; why he might pee all the time when we go for walks, why he wants to be by my side 24/7, why he dislikes certain smells so much etc. This bit might seem a tad mad but I honestly feel like it has changed my relationship with him too!


Reading A Dog’s Purpose was an absolute roller coaster of emotions! I sat in a coffee shop and tried with all my might not to cry my eyes out as I read certain parts. There were times when I felt extremely angry, guilty, and happy. It made me want to find my pooch and have a million cuddles, particularly as he’s a bit old now!

If you’re a dog lover then this book is most definitely for you! I can’t say much more without giving things away but it’s definitely something you should pick up and dive into!

Image result for 4 and a half stars

I would give this book 4 and a half stars! A very enjoyable book, fantastically insightful, but just not long enough for me!!


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